The George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation

The Foundation will consider proposals from writers in any genre style or media that can be classified as Creative Nonfiction. This includes but is not limited to essays, life writing, oral history, travel writing, nature writing, sports writing, or other forms of literary nonfiction intended for non-specialist readership. Standard journalism and similar forms of reportage will not be considered. Theoretical or philosophical writing in creative nonfiction should be grounded in narrative or in specific, material life. Projects that would more properly fall into the categories of History and Literary Criticism Should be directed to future fellowship competitions in those fields.

Note that fellowship funds are intended mainly to support time for the creation of the work; they do not underwrite costs of equipment, exhibitions, performances, or publication.

In accordance with the fellowship program's overall goal of supporting early mid-career artists and scholars, applicants should have a promising record of scholarly accomplishment that includes one major project.  Note that the
fellowship funds are intended mainly to support time for scholarly work; they do not underwrite publication, advertising, or promotional costs. 

Howard Foundation Fellowships are awarded through a multi-stage review process that begins with successive rounds of screening by expert panels assembled for each year's fields.  Proposals advance through the process based
on the collective determination of panelists.  To ensure candid assessment, the identities of reviewers are not public. The proposals that panelists collectively judge to be the strongest under the Foundation's award criteria are forwarded to the Foundation's multi-disciplinary Board of Administration, which makes the final selection.  

The Howard Foundation is committed to supporting artist and scholars of diverse cultural, sexual, and ethnic backgrounds.

The Howard Foundation does not discriminate based on the gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or ability/disability of artists, and welcomes work whose content reflects the lived experiences of the applicants.